Zero (0): A Love Story
is a novella written entirely with numbers. The more than 200-page hand-stenciled book recounts a tale of two characters and the serial rendezvous of their enumerative affair. 

The first character embodies a succession of numbers belonging to the phi (aka Fibonacci) sequence, the traditional gold standard of aesthetic proportion. Over the course of the tale, the ordinal trajectory of this figure’s fall in love starts from a 21-digit number and proceeds in reverse, moving progressively backwards across 100 integers until eventually arriving at and continuing to descend beyond zero (0). 

The second character takes the form of corrected errors appearing in the positive expression of the first character’s integers. These visible erasures and amendments move forward in the opposite direction within the phi sequence. The book thereby begins with zero errors, then moves to one error, then one again, then two errors, then three, then five, then eight and so forth until the redressed mistakes reach the limit of digits in the numbers the first character happens to express at a given instant in the series. At this threshold, the second character reverses its restorative course back toward zero and then from zero proceeds again upward through the Fibonacci sequence. The second figure repeats this to-and-fro pattern oscillating like a breath or tide that continuously permeates the ongoing retrocession of the first figure. 

The narrative arc provides on each page a singular encounter between the two characters who advance hand in hand as if ships at every moment inseparably passing in the night. 

Zero (0): A Love Story will take the form of a physical book as well as a series of projected still images.

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